Assessor & Property Values
Read how your property is assessed in the county.
Auditor & Elections
Find information on real estate and property records, financial audits, and upcoming elections.
Board of Supervisors
Learn about the Board of Supervisors the legislative body of the government of Union County.
Clerk of Court
Find contact information and the duties performed by the clerk of court.
Conservation & Parks
Find out about the Conservation and Parks program.
County Attorney
View a list of functions performed by the county attorney.
Emergency Management Agency
Access information about how the Emergency Management Agency helps county residents prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters.
Engineer & Secondary Roads
Find out how the department takes care of county roads and other projects.
Environmental Health
Learn about the various responsibilities for the Environmental Health Department.
Public Health
As the public health nursing agency for Union County, our programs include immunization services, communicable disease control, senior health clinics, and educational programs.
Recorder & Vital Records
This office serves as a repository for many public records, including land transactions, which document title to property.
Sheriff’s Office
Find out how the Sheriff’s Office provides safety for the entire county.
Learn about the county treasurer and their roles, responsibilities, and resources.
Veterans Affairs
Navigate helpful services available to military veterans, including descriptions of benefits and contact information.