Union County Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors is the administrative and supervising body for the county. The Union County Board is comprised of three members who are elected to staggered four-year terms.
Citizens from the entire county elect the supervisors (at-large) to represent the best interests of the people and the County as a whole.
Main duties of the Board of Supervisors are approving bonds of county officials, reviewing and approving the budget proposals of county departments, overseeing of all county buildings and grounds, reviewing claims and ordering payment of those claims, approving official’s reports, establishing and vacating public highways, levying taxes to raise revenues for the county, filling other county office vacancies, overseeing drainage districts, canvassing of votes for all elections held within the county, allowing/disallowing homestead, family farm, and military credit claims, and approving/disapproving cigarette, beer, and liquor permit applications on behalf of the State of Iowa for businesses established in the unincorporated areas of the county.
Supervisor Board Assigned Appointments
Board Meetings
The Supervisors meet each Wednesday at 9:00 AM in the Board of Supervisors Room located on the first floor of the Union County Courthouse. Meeting agendas are posted weekly as the Board of Supervisor meetings are open to the public.
The public nature of the Supervisor meetings is most important as the Board is available to its constituents and can respond to issues of importance to county citizens. The County Auditor is clerk to the Board of Supervisors and schedules appointments for meetings and records meeting minutes.
To view the Board of Supervisor’s meeting agenda or meeting minutes, click on the links above on this page.
Township Clerk and Trustees
Trustees handle fence disputes and more. Click here for a list of Township Clerks and Trustees.
County Owned Properties and Right-of-Ways
Please click on the link to view map.